
[!WARNING] The program is still under development, it is not yet suitable for its task.

ModShell icon


Command-driven scriptable Modbus utility

Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Pozsár Zsolt

ModShell is a utility built around a command interpreter, which with the connected peripherals communicates via various ports using the Modbus protocol.

architecture amd64, armhf, i386, x86_64
operation system DOS, FreeBSD, Linux, Windows
version v0.1
language en, hu
licence EUPL v1.2
user interface CLI, TUI and GUI
running modes command line, full-screen or interpreter
local Modbus registers 2x10000 boolean and 2x10000 word type
variables max. 128 variables or constants (stored as string)
built-in commands 102 commands in 10 categories
load from file registers, script, settings
save to file command history, console traffic, registers, communication settings, user log with timestamp
auto save to file general settings and console traffic
export to file history (TXT), registers (CSV, INI, XML)
import to file registers (INI, XML)
configurable devices max. 8 settings, serial and ethernet port
configurable protocols max. 8 settings, ASCII, RTU or TCP
configurable connections max. 8 settings by combining the previous two
raw serial communication read/write serial port and mini serial console with char/hex echo
Modbus communication read and write remote device and copy between devices
  internal server for remote access to own registers
  gateway to access devices using other ports or protocols
script size max. 1024 line
example scripts 7 scripts (shellscript and batch file versions)
script syntax plugins for MCEdit, Micro and Nano


The next release with the following changes:
New source code directory structure, bug fixes, 8 new commands in system category (total: 102), GUI (FreeBSD, Linux and Windows), script syntax highlighting file for MCEdit and Nano and windows size and position saving and restoring.

The 2nd release with the following changes: Bug fixes, Modbus/ASCII and Modbus/RTU communication, handling of constants, three predefined constants and 28 new commands (total: 94) and script syntax highlighting file for Micro.

This test release is not yet suitable for work, although it is functional, but it can only communicate via Modbus/ASCII. The purpose of this release is to test the program’s construction, operation, packaging, and package installation in all supported environments. In addition, the documentation and other files are checked for possible typos and errors.

Planned features

…that either will or won’t.

in v0.1-beta1:

in v0.1-beta2:

in v0.1-beta3:

1. Screenshots


Normal command line CLI

Fullscreen command line TUI

Run example script on bash with ModShell interpreter script running


Dump input registers
dump input registers

Mini serial console
mini serial console

Script editor
script editor

Variable monitor
variable monitor

2. Used external libraries

3. About

This is a utility that can be used on several operating systems, which can communicate with connected equipment using Modbus/ASCII, Modbus/RTU and Modbus/TCP protocols 3. The program can - even automatically - read, write or copy data from one device to another (e.g. transferring settings). When copying, the source and destination register areas can be different.

The ModShell program has a traditional (CLI) or full-screen (TUI) command-line interface and is also suitable for running pre-created scripts independently (as a command interpreter). The program provides help on the commands that can be used, and offers possible values when the parameters are entered incorrectly. The issued commands are placed in history, which can be browsed with the up/down arrow keys.

The XModShell program has a graphical interface (GUI), which helps to perform several operations with dialog windows, but the original command line input remained available for them (e.g. file selection, settings, etc.) 4.

Operating principle

It must be defined the I/O devices, then the protocols and the connections. There can be eight of each. The data traffic takes place between the preset connections. In all cases, the data is sent to or read from the internal buffer. The size of the buffer is suitable for storing 2*9999 logical and word values of the same size. One hundred and twenty-eight variables or constant can be created in the program, to which we can assign a value of any type (eg.: string, boolean or integer register value, real number, etc.) Variables can be used to perform logical and arithmetical operations, and can be used to pass values to commands.


In the program, you can create projects for easier management of settings and data. The name of the current project is shown in the prompt. The project directory will be created in the program directory on DOS, and in the ModShell directory in the user’s home directory on all other systems. If only filename is specified during file operations (without path), this directory will be the source/destination directory.

File operations

The command line history can be exported to a text file and provides it with the appropriate ‘shebang’ for the installation method and operating system. You can easily create a script from this raw file.

Device, protocol and connection settings can be saved and loaded in their own format. During saving, three typed files are created, with the following extensions: DDT, PDT, CDT.

All register values can be saved and loaded in their own format. During saving, two typed files are created, with the following extensions: BDT, IDT.

One or more same type registers can be exported to file. During saving, one text file is created, with CSV, INI or XML extension. The program can only import from INI and XML format files.

We can also create time-stamped log entries with the program and or script.

On exit, the command line history, echo mode and colors are preserved.

The program also has basic file and directory management commands.

Script operations

The script on the disc can be loaded into the already running program and started manually.

The loaded script can be edited with a line editor, saved to disk or deleted from the buffer. The graphical version has a simple editor window with syntax highlighting instead of the line editor.

Variables and constants defined before running the script will be deleted. It is also possible to observe the values of up to four variables during runtime and to keep the final values​of constants and variables created during runtime.

Serial connection

The program also provides the possibility to send and receive raw data via a serial port, and also includes a very simple serial console. The display of sent and received data can be turned off or raw text and hexadecimal viewing can be selected.

Already implemented commands:

command category hotkey description
add arithmetic   addition
avg arithmetic   average calculation
conv arithmetic ALT-C convert numbers between BIN, DEC, HEX and OCT format
cos arithmetic   cosine function
cotan arithmetic   cotangent function
dec arithmetic   decrement integer
div arithmetic   division
exp arithmetic   natural exponential
idiv arithmetic   integer division
imod arithmetic   modulus division
inc arithmetic   increment integer
inrange arithmetic   check the value is in the range
ln arithmetic   natural logarithm
mul arithmetic   multiplication
mulinv arithmetic   multiplicative inverse
odd arithmetic   odd or event
pow arithmetic   exponentiation
pow2 arithmetic   exponentiation of two
prop arithmetic   propotional value calculation (with zero and span)
rnd arithmetic   create random integer
round arithmetic   round real number
sin arithmetic   sine function
sqr arithmetic   square
sqrt arithmetic   square root
sub arithmetic   substraction
tan arithmetic   tangent function
copyreg communication   copy one or more remote registers between two connections
mbgw communication   start internal Modbus gateway
mbsrv communication   start internal Modbus slave/server
readreg communication ALT-R read one or more remote registers
sercons communication F7 serial console
serread communication   read a string from serial device
serwrite communication   write a string from serial device
writereg communication ALT-W write data to one or more remote registers
get configuration ALT-G get device, protocol, connection, project name and connection timeout
reset configuration ALT-T reset device, protocol or connection or reset project name
set configuration ALT-S set device, protocol, connection, project name and connection timeout
applog file   append a record to log file (LOG)
exphis file   export command line history to file (TXT)
expreg file ALT-E export one or more registers to file (CSV, INI, XML)
impreg file ALT-I import one or more registers from file (INI, XML)
loadcfg file F3 load settings of device, protocol and connection (?DT)
loadreg file F5 load all buffer registers from typed file (?DT)
savecfg file F2 save settings of device, protocol and connection (?DT)
savereg file F4 save all registers to typed file (?DT)
ascii general   show ASCII table
beep general   make a beep with internal speaker
cls general F8 clear screen
color general   set colors
const general   show all constant with theirs value or define a new one
cron general   loaded script scheduled execution
date general   show system date and time
echo general F9 enable/hexadecimal/disable local echo for serial connections
exit general F10 exit
goto general   jump to specified label
for general   loop iteration
help general F1 show description or usage of the commands
if general   selection statement
label general   define label (for goto command)
pause general   waits for a keystroke or specified time
print general ALT-P print message, value of the variable and register
var general   show all variable with theirs value or define a new one
varmon general ALT-M monitoring the value of variables
ver general   show version and build information of this program
and logic   AND logical operations
bit logic   value of the specified bit
not logic   NOT logical operations
or logic   OR logical operations
roll logic   roll bit of integer to left
rolr logic   roll bit of integer to right
shl logic   bit shift to left
shr logic   bit shift to right
xor logic   XOR logical operations
dump register F6 dump all registers in binary/hexadecimal format to a table
let register ALT-L set value of a variable or register
edit script   edit loaded script with line editor
erasescr script   erase script from buffer
list script F11 list loaded script
loadscr script   load ModShell scriptfile from disc
run script F12 run loaded script
savescr script   save loaded script to disc
chr string   convert byte to char
concat string   concatenate strings
length string   length of string
lowcase string   conversion to lowercase
mkcrc string   make CRC value
mklrc string   make LRC value
ord string   convert char to byte
strdel string   delete specified element(s) of the string
strfind string   find specified element in the string
strins string   insert element into string
stritem string   specified element of the string
strrepl string   replace element in the string
upcase string   conversion to uppercase
cd system   change actual directory
copy system   copy file
dir system   list directory content
del system   remove file
md system   make directory
ren system   rename file
rd system   remove directory
type system   type file

(Commands with function keys (F?) are executed immediately, modifier keys (ALT-?) only make typing easier.)

Predefined constants

name value
$? exit value of the commands
$B1 1200 (baud)
$B2 2400 (baud)
$B4 4800 (baud)
$B9 9600 (baud)
$B19 19200 (baud)
$B38 38400 (baud)
$B57 57600 (baud)
$B115 115200 (baud
$EULER value of e (2.7182818284590452354)
$HOME user’s home directory
$PI value of Pi (3.1415926535897932385)
$PRJDIR directory of the actual project
$PRJNAME name of the actual project

Documentation and Help

Modshell and XModShell has a minimal built-in help which you can access by typing help. Additionally, you can view the manual page from *nix shell (man modshell) or modshell.txt on other systems.

In the graphical version, the Online Wiki can be opened directly from the ‘Help’ menu.


If you find any bugs, please report them! I am also happy to accept pull requests from anyone. You can use the GitHub issue tracker to report bugs, ask questions, or suggest new features.


Precompiled binaries and installer packages for several OS and architecture

[!TIP] The download is done via HTTP. Some browsers are not happy with this and may block it.

name version OS arch. type note
source package latest     zip from Github
source package v0.1-alpha2     tar.gz  
binary package v0.1-alpha2 DOS i386 exe SFX
binary package v0.1-alpha2 DOS i386 zip  
binary package with source code v0.1-alpha2 FreeDOS i386 zip  
binary package v0.1-alpha2 Linux i386 bin SFX
binary package v0.1-alpha2 Linux amd64 bin SFX
binary package v0.1-alpha2 Linux armhf bin SFX
binary package v0.1-alpha2 Linux i386 zip  
binary package v0.1-alpha2 Linux amd64 zip  
binary package v0.1-alpha2 Linux armhf zip  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 Debian GNU/Linux i386 deb  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 Debian GNU/Linux amd64 deb  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 Raspberry Pi OS armhf deb  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 OpenSuSE i386 rpm  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 OpenSuSE amd64 rpm  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 Slackware i386 txz  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 Slackware amd64 txz  
binary package v0.1-alpha2 FreeBSD i386 bin SFX
binary package v0.1-alpha2 FreeBSD amd64 bin SFX
binary package v0.1-alpha2 FreeBSD i386 zip  
binary package v0.1-alpha2 FreeBSD amd64 zip  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 FreeBSD i386 pkg  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 FreeBSD amd64 pkg  
binary package v0.1-alpha2 Windows i386 zip  
binary package v0.1-alpha2 Windows x86_64 zip  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 Windows i386 exe  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 Windows x86_64 exe  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 Windows i386 msi  
installer package v0.1-alpha2 Windows x86_64 msi  
  1. Synapse Github repository 

  2. ProtCOM Github repository 

  3. Modbus 

  4. Wiki - Differents between CUI and GUI version